road map (modern impressions collection)


 modern impressions is collection available in objkt that i focus on it to improve it and promote it more.

 here i want to introduce it and write road map of this collection to friends and collectors so you can see plans and goals of this collection.



modern impressions is digital artwork and created by Photoshop. is trying to create a connect between modern art and psychology concepts. it tries to show new aspect of our life. 

dear friends my main focus is create a good situations to collectors and create secondary market then attract more collectors to collection. each piece will have a description and will try to make easy to connect with artwork. also it is advertised in twitter, discord and Instagram.

road map:

1-i start from low price and editions so try to make it easy to investment to collectors and will increase price slowly by the time in future.


2-left editions will burn after while if it doesn't sold out so collectors  can list it soon.


3-new pieces will be released over time so that they are always being watched. second, pieces will drop neither too soon nor too late.


4- when total volume reach 500 tezos a gift will be sent to most collectors that support project more.


5- more support and gift for collectors in future.


6- discord channel will be established when project can create good community, to increase project's funds.

 and more plans in future.... 

if you have any questions or some comments i will happy to hear that.

thanks ❤



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