NFT marketplace and mental health

A few days ago, while talking with a friend, I noticed something. In virtual jobs such as NFT, we move away a little from normal life, to the extent that some people in the NFT marketplace work for hours with a computer or with mobile phone and do not even set a specific time for their work. Recently, I came across tweets that some artists or collectors decide to stay away from the NFT space for some time and for personal reasons to take care of their other work (which is very good of course). 


Some existing problems:

1- Sitting for a long time and not moving

2- Staying awake for a long time

3- The stresses of buying and selling

4- Comparing yourself with other artists and collectors and feeling inadequate

5- Not having a specific time for the job


Here we are not busy with physical work, so our view should be different. Sometimes some artists work for hours, they have little time to rest or have fun. They have little physical activity and face other direct and indirect problems.


1- Specify times to rest and be with family.

2- Consider days for complete rest.

3- Have regular sleep.

4- Do exercise (exercise causes movement and elimination of stress).

5- Do activities in outdoor and open environments.

6- Determining the goal and having a work plan


In this article, I just wanted to take a very short and somewhat personal look at the issue of mental health in NFT.

If you think you have experience in this matter or want to add 

something, I would be happy to hear it.


Riza Jam


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